For any inquiries, please contact us by filling out the email form.

To contact us using the e-mail form

Company name *
Name *
E-mail address *
E-mail address (for confirmation) *
Your inquiry/question in detail


T-Tech Japan will use the personal data you provided above to respond to your inquiry or question. T-Tech Japan does this to fulfill our legitimate interest in providing you efficient service. Your personal data will be stored as long as necessary to meet the purpose set out above. This means that your personal data is generally stored for as long as needed to service your request. You may always exercise your rights, such as to access or rectify your personal data or request us to stop sending company or products update by writing to Click here (contact form). For more information about your rights, please refer to our Privacy Policy.

When Contacting Us

  • Please describe your inquiries as specific as possible. (Fields with * are required)